Ceramic blasting beads
Key words:
Ceramic blasting beads
- Product Description
Chemical Composition (%)
Chemical Composition (%)
Physical Performance Parameters
True Density (g/cm3)
Bulk Density (g/cm3)
Vickers Hardness HV1
Product Granularity
Main Applications
The product is mainly used for sandblasting cleaning, surface pretreatment, surface finishing, and shot peening of materials such as high carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum alloy, titanium alloy, magnesium alloy, brass, copper alloy, and plastics. For example, the B20 to B60 series coarse ceramic sand is mainly used for sandblasting cleaning of various industrial components such as molds, engine parts, turbine machinery parts, welded steel parts, and forged and cast metals. The B120 to B205 series fine ceramic beads are mainly used for very smooth polishing of stainless steel, aluminum, titanium, magnesium, and even plastic surfaces, producing a unique satin finish, and can also provide aesthetically pleasing high-quality components for various application fields such as automotive, aerospace, electronics, home appliances, sports goods, and construction.
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